A tour of the reconstructed international congress, cultural and business center of Serbia, Sava Center, and a conference on the occasion of the reopening, which is scheduled for November 14.Obilazak rekonstruisanog medjunarodnog kongresnog, kulturnog i
A tour of the reconstructed international congress, cultural and business center of Serbia, Sava Center, and a conference on the occasion of the reopening, which is scheduled for November 14.Obilazak rekonstruisanog medjunarodnog kongresnog, kulturnog i
By ATA Stars Redakcija|2023-11-09T19:44:00+01:00novembar 9th, 2023|Komentari su isključeni na A tour of the reconstructed international congress, cultural and business center of Serbia, Sava Center, and a conference on the occasion of the reopening, which is scheduled for November 14.Obilazak rekonstruisanog medjunarodnog kongresnog, kulturnog i